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Wondering where the God lives

It had been a question for me since long that why the love vanishes or lessen a part after getting married. The answer for me was astonishing as per living in 21st century where women are empowered. The difference was a simple truth of surrender yourself. The term surrender has a meaning of stop resistance and giving up you.

Two admirers before marriage surrender themselves in front of each other and they succeed in staying together. Here surrender does not means obeying the wrong aspects but to listen and accept other with little imperfections. Contrary to this in a married couple of four to five years old, each partner wants other to surrender. The journey that once started from submission ended in resistance.

We make an effort to show high moral standards in our daily life but what we didn’t notice is that the supreme virtue of every religion is Love. I have no hesitation in saying that God lives within you when you love someone deeply.

Several times I have tried to find God, sometimes in mosques, often in prayers while crying and questioning, sometimes behind the hijabs and social barriers but I found him in the eyes of two love one’s. I discover his existence in my heart when it’s pure and innocent. I don’t need to learn moral ethics or count my deeds to go in Jannah, only a heart with full of love and absence of impurity can do that easily.

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Sidra Asif
"Peace hides in the shell of inner self, discover yourself and conquer others."

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