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Accept and Embrace

Grief, mood swings, depressed feelings, sadness all are different sorts of attitudes that hit every person somehow at some point of their life. Few people encounter these feelings more often than others. The fact is no one can ever have or had a life without stress. Sadness or dissatisfaction is a part of our existence.

What debatable is how we cope with it. Unfortunately many of us don’t identify what they are actually going through. No disease can be treated without diagnosing it. Sadness for no reason should be noticed and taken care of. This is how I survive during my days of anxiety.

  • My first and foremost step to calm myself is through prayer and takes all the worries out through tears. We have been taught all over life that crying is not a good thing. I believe weeping pull out all your apprehensions and fade them away.

  • Secondly I try to divert my mind from unwanted feelings by reading books.

  • Cook something different or any favorite dish.

  • Listen something that gives you inner peace, could be music, any scholar preaching’s, or a call to your favorite person. Even if it brings a single smile on your face, give it a try.

  • Write; Sometime it’s difficult to make people understand what is actually bothering you. Best way is to write it down.

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Sidra Asif
"Peace hides in the shell of inner self, discover yourself and conquer others."

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